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The official magazine of Proteus Enterprises P/L Choosing your battles in life By Des Penny edition 3 2024 proteus Having meaningful conversations with your team By AIMME are you ready to learn? By Richard Dore 6 Steps to less stress and more balance By Dr Alan ZimmermanThe Proteuslife Team Editor: Des Penny Production: Leanne Keillor Advertising: Joe Stuart Design: Javier Marmol For all enquiries: 1300 219 903 ABN: 30 092 276 358 An Important Message SUBSCRIBE Proteuslife welcomes editorial submissions from a diverse range of people and industries. The information printed is intended to inform and illustrate and should not be taken as professional advice without first checking with appropriate legal or industrial experts. We do not necessarily endorse the views, statements, claims, strategies or ideas put forward by contributors of the magazine. Proteuslife is merely relaying experiences and information. Proteuslife is not liable for any personal or professional loss you may have incurred as a result of reading this magazine. No material may be reproduced in part or whole without written consent from the editor. Advertisements in Proteuslife will be accepted only if they meet all relevant laws and will not give rise to any legal claims or liability and they reflect the culture and purpose of the magazine. proteus The official magazine of Proteus Enterprises P/L John C. Maxwell Remember: Sometimes we win and sometimes we learn. 2 proteuslife Subscribe to Proteuslife MagazineHi everyone, What exciting times we live in, and what a privilege we have to be able to discover and learn from others around us and from exciting new technology at our disposal. The team at Proteuslife magazine are committed to embracing as much of this information and technology as we can and so it is with great pleasure I introduce our newest magazine team member AIMME – AI Marketing & Magazine Expert. AIMME will act as a writer and reporter and will contribute a range of articles and information in our upcoming editions. Find out more about AIMME on page 9. I am also thrilled to announce that in this edition we formally launch the new Proteus Online training business, offering a range of Online training programs that can be completed anywhere and anytime on the device of your choice. Different people want to learn different ways and so combined with our face-to-face and virtual schedules; we are adding another choice in the way people learn. This edition also focuses on our expansion internationally. We are currently running programs in the USA, UK and Singapore, New Zealand and Hong Kong. We will continue to keep you informed as we expand our international offerings. We are also excited to introduce the famous chef Adam Liaw as our food writer in this edition and look forward to many more of his delicious recipes and books. There are so many exciting things in this edition of Proteuslife and along with all of the great articles, I am sure you will find it a great read and a great leadership resource. So, enjoy the magazine and I look forward to receiving your feedback. Des Penny Editor editor's Des Penny Every minute we spend complaining about what's happening is a minute we take away from making things better. 3 proteuslife Connect with Des! grow-podcast-with-des-penny/ Let's Go - Let's Grow podcast with Des Penny06 Choosing Your Battles In Life By Des Penny 3 Editorial 6 Choosing Your Battles In Life By Des Penny 9 Meet AIMME, Our Proteus AI Marketing & Magazine Expert 10 Are You Ready To Learn? By Richard Dore 12 Online Learning 14 The Complete Leader Program 16 Are People Really Working Harder And Longer Today? By AIMME 18 Professional Leadership Schedule 20 How Leaders Can Combat An Over-Reliance On Technology To Reduce Stress By Michelle Gibbings 22 Proteus International contents How Leaders Can Combat An Over-Reliance On Technology To Reduce Stress By Michelle Gibbings 20 4 proteuslife10 Are You Ready To Learn? By Richard Dore 32 Harnessing The Power Of Ai & Human Intelligence For Workplace Success By AIMME 24 Having Meaningful Conversations With Your Team By AIMME 26 Proteus Leadership Breakfast Series 2024 28 How Leaders Can Get Out Of The Noise And Into Clear Air Space By Donna McGeorge 29 Did You Know? 30 Proteus Events 32 Harnessing The Power Of AI & Human Intelligence For Workplace Success By AIMME 34 5 Ways To Design A Perfectly Productive Day By Kate Christie 36 Creating Wellness Workplaces by AIMME 38 Recipes From Adam Liaw 42 What Our Clients Are Saying 43 6 Steps To Less Stress And More Balance By Dr. Alan Zimmerman 44 Proteus Team 46 Book Review By Richard Dore 48 A Beautiful Noise By Des Penny Combat An echnology 5 proteuslifeI t seems that the fast pace of life and business now, means that many of the things we have taken for granted in the past have become a battle to achieve. No sooner do we get over one hurdle, than the next one is in front of us. I'm sure that we don’t have any more battles than we have always had, but they are either just a lot closer together, or we are just more connected and aware through social media and other channels. Whatever the reasons, the battles are there to be fought, so let’s make sure we choose the right ones, and that the outcomes are positive. Because everything we do should be about creating a more positive culture in our workplaces and lives and anything that is of value is worth fighting for – it’s just how we fight that matters. The skill is not allowing the battle to become the culture, but rather the focus being on the end result. I actually see the battles we fight, if chosen wisely, as a positive thing and if we fight them professionally and for the right reasons, they can be a major contributor to our personal and professional growth, but I reiterate, we must choose our battles carefully. Story: Some years ago, I had two little fluffy white dogs called Bill and Ben. I didn’t realise at the time of naming them just how embarrassing it would be when calling out to them in public. One day I took them to the beach and Ben who was the fisty one, took offence to a labrador enjoying itself with its family – so he attacked. Initially, the labrador thought he was playing and raced around in circles, but Ben, who was a third of the size, was serious. After a minute or two of staking their claim, Bill, Ben’s brother, thought he should join in to protect his little mate Ben, and this is when the labrador started to take things seriously - and so did the owners. People came from everywhere to intervene. What was, up until then, a lovely day on the beach, had turned into a very unpleasant situation between animals and humans. So, what do we learn from this unprovoked and out of character battle? Well, firstly there was no fight – Ben created it, for no reason, he should have stayed out of it. Secondly, due to the size of both parties, his chance of success was not high, so it was a silly choice, and thirdly, the fight then involved so many other people, all getting angry with each other and the situation. The battle did not need to happen, but when it did, it spread like wildfire. Sound familiar? Do you ever get angry about things that you shouldn’t. Do you ever wish you had just walked away, or are you one of those people who just has to have their say, in not just your own battles, but everyone else’ as well? And if not you, do you know people like this? I certainly do, and they are a pain in the neck. You see, the decisions made in battle have long lasting consequences. That is why the decisions we make before going into battle are so important. So, I want you to reflect right now on the things happening around you. Why are you fighting some of those battles in your life? Why are things constantly difficult, and why are you experiencing so much conflict and dissatisfaction? What I have discovered during my life is that most people love a good fight. In fact, some people, like Ben, are gifted at turning any situation into a negative one. But the thing we must always remember is that we decide our involvement in battle and therefore we open ourselves up to the consequences. Sometimes we need to make a stand, and other times we just need to walk away. You see, the patterns we build into our lives on a daily basis determine who we become as human beings, and there is a major difference between someone who fights for what they believe in, and someone who is just up for a fight. You can get angry about something out of your control, but the only weapon you have that will make a difference, is to do something that brings a resolution to the issue rather than adding to it. Throughout history we have seen battles fought that have been difficult at the time but had to happen for the greater good. Eg. equal opportunity, environment, domestic violence etc. These battle needed, and still need to be fought, because they are for the greater good of humanity. By Des Penny CHOOSING YOUR BATTLES in Life 6 proteuslifeSo, maybe you are trying to break down long held views and behaviours, or you are initiating positive change, or breaking new ground – then fight for that, but do it in the right way and with a positive result as your goal. Some people protest because of deep beliefs, while others don’t even know what they are protesting about and just get caught up in the battle. We see this in many of the protests that happen on our streets. So, if you want to see significant battles won, then don’t become a professional protester, know what you believe in and what is worth fighting for, and then choose your weapons wisely, because any battle, good or bad, will take a toll on you. If we don’t do this then we become aggressive people who judge success only on winning the battle, no matter the impact on ourselves or others around us. You see we all believe we are right – well, guess what, sometimes we’re not right and other times no-one is right, because it is just a difference of opinion, and other times, it simply just does not matter. Story: Starting Proteus In 1993, when I started my company, Proteus Leadership, I had attacks from every angle. Overwhelmingly the comments that came suggested that I would never make it and queried why I would leave such a great job to start a company, especially in an economic downturn. Initially the comments hurt like hell. But after a while I realised that the battle was not about me, it was their own inadequacies and lack of a spirit pf discovery. They were simply jealous, and so I began to fight the issue, not the person, and this changed everything, because people come and go, but unless an issue is dealt with and resolved, it will remain and constantly wreak havoc. How many battles are we fighting that have been happening for years, with no resolution in sight? Fight the issue – not the person! Fight the battle because it is the right thing to do, not just because it is there! So often people say – “I’ll show them”, and it simply becomes revenge. The thing about revenge is that it usually damages the revenger most. Think about the battles we fight on a daily basis, are they just putting out fires, or are they about the greater good and the right thing to do? We become so engrossed in the trivial stuff happening around us, that we forget what is important and we lose sight of the real battles that need to be fought and require our energy. The only way we can overcome this is to set very clear non-negotiables in our lives regarding the fight and take back the controls. This means that we take 100% responsibility for our 50% of the problem. But remember – control does not mean controlling! So, here are some of the controls we can put into place when fighting our battles and determining if it is worth the effort: 1 Firstly, it must make things better and not be just a win. Examine your motives and intentions before going into any battle. Is it truly to make things better or to get revenge and win? BE HONEST. 2 Secondly, a great Proteus mantra that we live by is: ‘If you are not prepared to be a part of the solution, then you forfeit your right to complain’. The whole battle is not about winning, it is about creating a better result, and to do that will also require some positive solution-based actions from all parties. Don’t get into the fight unless you are prepared to do the work in finding a solution. 3 Thirdly, create an environment where disagreement and conflict are resolved quickly, where gossip, whinging and sabotage are not tolerated. Have the conversations that matter but monitor your own behaviour and responses as well. The longer conflict goes on, the more damage it does. 7 proteuslife4 Then, fight your battles strategically/professionally and not in a dirty way or in anger. Take time to plan for the best and worst possible outcomes. They say the best form of defence is attack. Sometimes we do need to stand up for what we believe in but when it becomes all about winning, then we lose our message and perspective. You don’t win by beating people or making them look small, nor do you always want the end result to be a win over them, because sometimes it is just better to walk away and not indulge them. However, that doesn’t mean that we allow bad or destructive behaviour to occur. Noone has the right to be rude and aggressive, no matter what their position, or standing in life. Don’t accept rudeness from anyone, but more importantly, don’t get caught up in it by doing the same. 5 Be prepared to change your mindset if required. We must always approach conflict with a solution-based mentality but also with the attitude that maybe we are not completely correct and there is some level of truth in what they say. Don’t let your pride get in the way! 6 Choose your weapons wisely – this is so important! The weapons we use should not always be aggressive, sometimes the weapons need to be - silence, humility, compassion, kindness, seeking more information, recognition, support, coaching, and sometimes it needs to be full on attack. The skill is knowing what weapon to use and when, because not every battle will be the same. Think about a situation you are in right now – maybe you are simply using the wrong weapons for the situation. 7 Then, get some life balance so that everything is not so negative. We must have life- balance otherwise our life will be a constant battle. And that is when we fail to see the damage that is being done to us. However, my balance is not your balance, and so we must determine what works for us. But without personal balance, everything will begin to look wrong and overwhelm us and we will find ourselves in battles we should not be in. So, change the balance in your life and spend more time on the things that make you happy. Happiness is the best weapon to use against negativity and conflict. 8 And finally, sometimes you just need to walk away. Some battles are not yours and you need to step away and use that energy for something positive. Stop getting embroiled in things that are not your business. They simply don’t matter! So, check yourself at the door before you join the fight - is it because deep down you like a fight, and it takes you away from addressing the things that you need to fix in your own life? A challenging statement I know, but be honest, is there just a little piece of you that focuses on other issues to take away your focus from developing yourself? It is so much easier to justify, blame and judge, but the end result is not healthy. And be careful when work problems and stress are taken home with you, because like Ben, everyone becomes embroiled in a fight that is not theirs . Some years ago, I became friendly with a business contact and her husband. We would go out to dinner and do things together, but for the sake of confidentiality, their names shall be Sue and Tom. I always knew that Sue hated her job, and in turn disliked everyone within the company she worked for. But it was the deep-seated hatred that Tom also had towards her work colleagues that was really surprising. One night when we were all together, I asked how Tom knew them and how often he saw them. The answer staggered me – I have never met them; I just hear about them from Sue. Tom had become so engrossed in Sue’s drama that he made it his own. He knew their names and everything about them. Tom became so engrossed that he fuelled a fire that he should not have been anywhere near. Tom should have just minded his own business and walked away or brought balance to the situation rather than petrol. You see, you can support someone without becoming a party in their dispute. In fact, that is our role as partners and colleagues - to keep the damage to a minimum and bring perspective to a situation. But we also need to be careful that we do not drag our supporters into a battle that is not theirs to fight. There will always be fallout from dispute, and we need to consider this carefully before we choose to go into battle. Because our role is to help heal the situation, not to get involved in places we should not be? Just like we need strategy for the battle, we also need strategy for the healing process and this should be our main aim. Make sure there is an end to your battle. There are so many people who live very negative and stressful lives simply because they could not let go of a dispute they had many years ago, and it had now become a part of the way they speak, and act, and cynicism and negativity had become a part of their DNA. There must be an end and a solution to all disputes, even if there is not complete agreement, otherwise it will seep into every part of who we are. Don’t let that happen! We need to learn to let go and only fight the battles that are important and assist in acvhieving the greater good. And remember: if in doubt - walk away - because it is NOT your battle to fight. Des Penny Founder Proteus Leadership 8 proteuslifeIntroducing Proteus Leadership’s AI Marketing & Magazine Expert - AIMME, the newest addition to our Proteus Leadership team. As an AI-powered article creator, she brings a unique blend of advanced technology and a human touch to the world of leadership. With a sharp eye for current and trendy topics, Proteus AI Reporter crafts insightful and engaging articles for the Proteuslife Magazine, keeping our readers ahead of the curve in the ever-evolving leadership landscape. She’s designed to embody the values and expertise that Proteus Leadership stands for. Her writing reflects a deep understanding of the complexities of leadership, offering practical advice, innovative ideas, and inspiring stories that resonate with professionals across various industries. Whether it's navigating the challenges of remote work, fostering inclusive cultures, or driving organizational change, Proteus AI Reporter covers it all with a fresh and forward- thinking perspective. Bridging the gap between technology and humanity, delivering content that is both intellectually stimulating and emotionally engaging. Join us in welcoming Proteus AI Reporter to the Proteus Leadership family. Stay tuned for her latest articles and let her guide you through the dynamic world of leadership with her unparalleled expertise and visionary outlook. Together, let's lead with innovation, purpose, and a touch of AI brilliance. Meet AIMME, Our Proteus AI Marketing & Magazine Expert AIMMEA I M M E rtificial ntelligence arketing agazine xpert 9 proteuslifeNext >