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The official magazine of Proteus Enterprises P/L Stop the blame game and the sport of Leadership Bashing! By Des Penny proteus edition 1 2025 The Importance of Future Leaders Being Coaches By AIMME The Stories WE TELL Ourselves About Leadership By Richard DoreThe Proteuslife Team Editor: Des Penny Production: Leanne Keillor Advertising: Joe Stuart Design: Javier Marmol For all enquiries: 1300 219 903 ABN: 30 092 276 358 An Important Message SUBSCRIBE Proteuslife welcomes editorial submissions from a diverse range of people and industries. The information printed is intended to inform and illustrate and should not be taken as professional advice without first checking with appropriate legal or industrial experts. We do not necessarily endorse the views, statements, claims, strategies or ideas put forward by contributors of the magazine. Proteuslife is merely relaying experiences and information. Proteuslife is not liable for any personal or professional loss you may have incurred as a result of reading this magazine. No material may be reproduced in part or whole without written consent from the editor. Advertisements in Proteuslife will be accepted only if they meet all relevant laws and will not give rise to any legal claims or liability and they reflect the culture and purpose of the magazine. proteus The official magazine of Proteus Enterprises P/L John C. Maxwell Remember: Sometimes we win and sometimes we learn. 2 proteuslife 2 proteuslife Subscribe to Proteuslife MagazineDes Penny Every minute we spend complaining about what's happening is a minute we take away from making things better. Welcome to our very first edition of Proteuslife for a new year. So much has been happening in both the life of Proteus and also the life of leadership in general. Not all of it good! In fact, I have been so challenged to support leaders and leadership again, that my lead article in this edition addresses the sport of leadership bashing that seems to have become more prevalent lately. The focus of the article is on bringing leadership back. But so many good things have been happening too, and I am so excited about the future and the possibility it brings. In this edition we see a range of fantastic articles from Richard Dore, our resident AI reporter AIMME, and others, all promoting a message of HOPE and all intent on bringing back Leadership to the respectful place it should be. To assist in doing this, it is important that leaders are equipped to face the challenges and opportunities that will present themselves, so view our extensive range of professional development programs via our Schedule on pages 26 & 27. Adam Liaw also joins us in this edition with a selection of delicious recipes that make the mouth water just reading about them (Spanish garlic prawns – Yum!) On the subject of food, once again we celebrate one of our great past times as a team and that is to eat cake – and lots of it. Check out the pics. There is so much to look forward to in 2025, so I hope you enjoy this edition of Proteuslife and it inspires you to bring back the joy and privilege of leadership in your life. Please enjoy! Des Penny - Editor editor's grow-podcast-with-des-penny/ Connect with Des! Let's Go - Let's Grow podcast with Des Penny Stop the Blame Game and the Sport of Leadership Bashing! 3 proteuslife06 Stop The Blame Game And The Sport Of Leadership Bashing! By Des Penny 3 Editorial 6 Stop The Blame Game And The Sport Of Leadership Bashing! By Des Penny 10 The Stories We Tell Ourselves About Leadership By Richard Dore 14 The Changing Face Of Leadership By AIMME 16 Life Quotes By Des Penny 18 Bringing Back Servant Leadership By AIMME 20 The Things I Wish I Had Known About Overcoming The Fear Of Presenting By Des Penny 22 The Importance of Future Leaders Being Coaches By AIMME contents 14 How To Get The Right Stuff Done By AIMME 32 The Changing Face Of Leadeship By AIMME 4 proteuslife10 The Stories We Tell Ourselves About Leadership By Richard Dore 25 Funny Signs 26 2025 Professional Development Schedule 28 The Complete Leader Program 30 Community Projects 32 How To Get The Right Stuff Done By AIMEE 34 Proteus Events 36 The Importance Of Communication Skills For Leaders By AIMME 38 Quotes Top Leaders Live By 39 Tapping Into The Talent And Energy Of Your Team By Karen Gately 40 Recipes From Adam Liaw 44 What Our Clients Are Saying 45 Don't Paint Yourself Into A Corner By Des Penny 46 Proteus Team 48 Book Review By Richard Dore 50 Sometimes I'm Just Down A Poem By Des Penny The Importance of Future Leaders Being Coaches By AIMME 22 5 proteuslifeI n this article I want to go on a rant – so get ready! This rant is as a result of something I have been noticing lately on all sorts of social media platforms, where only the disgruntled seem to be vocal. I am sure that there will be people who disagree with what I am about to say but I also know there will be many people reading this who will appreciate the fact that someone is verbalising how they are feeling right now, about leadership. So, I want to state right up front that I support the function and role of leadership, and I will constantly stand up against the abuse that leaders have to take every single day by a toxic few who declare themselves as working for the greater good, when really it is all about them! Now I know it is not healthy to live in a constant state of frustration and a constant state of being disturbed. But sometimes we have to stand up for what we believe in and not let the negative and self-indulgent, have the only voice. I am not sure if you have also observed the negative press that leadership is getting on social media lately. Now I will acknowledge that our political leadership right across the board is not providing what we necessarily voted them in to do, but in saying that, we live in a free society where we can be, and achieve, almost anything we want, so maybe looking at life through the lens of gratitude rather than a lens of a victim might help the situation I am about to talk about. Besides, who would want the constant daily battle of being a politician. NOT ME! Not once have a I read someone posting about how appreciative they are of their leadership. I know there are people out there who feel that way, but they just remain silent – and this is where the problem lies. Well, it ’ s time to speak up people, otherwise nothing changes. It is time to bring some respect back for people and the positions they have been appointed to. BY DES PENNY 6 proteuslifeYes, leaders do make mistakes, and there are some leaders out there who should never be in a leadership position, but they are in the minority! It’s funny, I never hear anyone say anything against those being led, because for some people every fault is as a result of poor leadership. Apparently, we are told that all workplace cultural issues are as a result of bad leadership. What a load of rubbish! Every one of us has responsibility for the part we all play in creating a great workplace culture. To blame a single person or a single group of people is just a diversion from our own lack of acceptance of our personal responsibility. Until we are prepared to accept our part in the process, then we forfeit our right to judge others. Having been in leadership development now for over 45 years, I have been thrust in the middle of many toxic groups that are just impossible to lead or motivate. They operate on the principal that any decision made that they do not agree with, or might mean some form of change for them, means that they have a bad leader. Sometimes they do - but most times they don’t. Seriously – we need to grow up people ! We need to stop acting like children and become fully functional adults – otherwise nothing will change. Because many of these same people are also the most thin-skinned people on the planet and usually what you are experiencing with them in the workplace is also a reflection of their life outside of the workplace – they are professional victims! Remember : if you constantly look for the bad in situations then you will find it! So, here is my first challenge for you : This week post something good about leadership that you have experienced recently. If your response to this is that you haven’t seen any, then you have not been looking closely enough, or you have fallen into the habit of only seeing the bad. Good is happening all around us if we choose to see it. My declaration today is that I am sticking up for leadership and the amazing job that most of them do because 90 % of leaders are out there doing the very best they can with little support and little encouragement. So, how about you help them rather than constantly criticise them. 7 proteuslifeSeriously, unless we start to change the narrative in the marketplace then we will continue to lose our great leaders and allow the toxic few, both leaders, and those being led, to win - and I refuse to let that happen. Leaders are now having to also adapt to a hybrid leadership situation where much of the time they are not even with their teams. This in itself creates a plethora of communication and team building problems. I have the best team and have the highest respect for all of them as people and practitioners. I also have a fantastic leadership team. That doesn’t mean we don’t have disagreements, but we address them in a respectable way and deal with them, and then move on together. I also have to say that I work in a pretty healthy workplace where our culture is productive, professional and fun, and we have worked hard on that – but guess what sometimes shit happens! Or, sometimes someone will come into our team who believe they are bigger and better than the team. So, the process goes as follows: You have several crucial conversations with them and eventually you discover they are there just for them, or they don’t fit and with much pain you remove them from the team. Unfortunately, they have absolutely no insight into their own behaviour but guess what, apparently you are now the total cause of their demise and will have to suffer the consequences of any action they may take after the event. But be encouraged, because it won’t be long before you are not the enemy, because they have moved on and are now creating the same situation in their new role. So, take it on the chin! If someone comes into your team who is all about themselves and sours the culture, then get rid of them. It is not wrong to remove them! Sure, they will criticise you and your business after the fact but let me tell you – short-term pain is far better than the pain caused by the damage they inflict if you ignore their behaviour and let them stay. Sure, you must also evaluate your own behaviour, learn from the experience and make your own appropriate changes but leaders need to lead, and we are responsible for the whole team – not just the noisy, self-indulgent few. Your role is to lead and care for 100% of your team, not just 20%. When you act on behalf of the whole group and not just the noisy complaining minority, you are a good leader – remember that! It is no wonder though that leaders are leaving their roles in droves and leadership vacancies are just not being taken up at the moment. Many potential leaders are saying – "why would I bother, why would I want that stress in my life". The paradox is - that without great leadership, the stress on everyone’s life is increased, and the negative situations are exacerbated. Some advice for Leaders Don’t go into leadership for title or money because if you do you will constantly be frustrated, instead go into leadership to promote HOPE in the lives of the people you lead. But to do that you must first be able to demonstrate HOPE and positivity within your own life. To foster and promote HOPE into lives and situations is our # 1 responsibility as leaders. I know that there will be tough times and tough situations and tough people, but I also know after 50+ years in leadership that what we do is good and has the ability to change lives and situations forever. So, don’t stop now – we need you more than ever! I don’t read the bible much but there is a scripture that my father shared with me as a young man, and I have always tried to live by, and it is this: “to whom much is given much is expected”. This means that you have added responsibilities to the people you lead and the environment you lead in. It is no longer just about you. More will be expected of you when you move into a leadership role – so wear it with pride! If you don’t want to accept the challenge of leadership then you will never experience the privilege. So, get out and let someone else who can accept that challenge, do the job. So, if you are being criticised or slandered, you have two choices – let it continue to cause damage and destroy your personal and professional culture, or take the higher ground and call it out, understanding that the short-term pain is worth the long-term gain. Then evaluate – make changes if criticism is justified otherwise throw it in the bin where it belongs. Some advice for those being led If you are constantly criticising your leadership then please don’t profess to being a good leader yourself. Because you are not! I know that this is confronting - but it is true. At the end of the day, we are all leaders whether we have a title or not. We all have a responsibility to assist in bringing about positive outcomes, so it is time you started supporting your appointed leadership, understanding that they are far from perfect, as are you, and they will say and do things that you do not agree with – that’s life! So, understand the added pressure they are under and deal with your disagreements in a professional and respectful way also understanding that you may be right but there is a good chance that you are also wrong. You may even be the problem! This is when that destructive emotion called PRIDE takes over and that never results in a good outcome. But really it doesn’t matter who is wrong or right. Respect from both parties is what is required and if we don’t have that then we will never learn to resolve our issues and to bring about a great result. Disrespect, when displayed openly is a very ugly look ! In Conclusion Have you ever asked your leader if they are, OK? Have you ever asked how you can help them? Have you ever thanked them or told them they are doing a good job? Have you ever asked why they do certain things and how they make certain decisions. You see, it is so easy to criticise and take cheap gutless shots at those who are trying their best to lead in difficult circumstances. So, maybe it’s you that needs to change – not them! So, if you have a genuine concern that you are prepared to be a part of the solution – let’s talk! But if you are just a constant and negative whinger, then go away and tell someone who cares. I support leaders and leadership, and I always will, but to do so, sometimes means being bold enough to say so. So, Leaders let’s continue to see the privilege in what we do and to foster HOPE in ourselves and others – because what we do is a good thing but that belief starts with us. Let ’ s Bring Leadership Back ! Des Penny Co-CEO - Founder / Director Innovation, Growth & Strategy / Director of North East Region Proteus Leadership 8 proteuslifeCo-CEO - Founder / Director Innovation, Growth & Strategy / Director of North East Region - Proteus Leadership PROTEUS Face To Face • Overcoming Fear • Using The SOSOR Model • Introducing The DIBS Effect • The 4 P’s Of Presenting • Making The Introduction Powerful • How Not To Die On Stage • The ‘Load, Aim, Fire’ Concept • Learning The Skill Of Linking • Preparing An Awesome Presentation • The Art Of Story Telling • Presenting In A Virtual World • Let’s Have A Go! • Individuals wanting to improve their communication skills • People in Leadership roles • People in Sales/Business Development roles • Those who present and/or conduct meetings TOPICSWHO SHOULD ATTEND Full-day Masterclass 9:00am - 3:00pm - Includes workbooks, refreshments and light lunch MORE INFO Individual $429pp + GST Corporate Table of 6 $2,454 + GST 11 Mar 2025 ADELAIDE 20 Mar 2025 MELBOURNE 27 Mar 2025 BRISBANE 13 May 2025 PERTH 9 proteuslifeNext >